27 FebThe 2017 "Magistrale" Event
On Thursday, February 23, 2017, the third edition of the "Magistral" took place. It is a traditional event brings together the two Magisterium of Pantheon-Assas University.
For this new edition, a more refined, playful, and festive style awaited the students. The DANDY was the place chosen by the MJA and our Magisterium, an establishment in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, which describes itself as a serious house but whose licensees will prove to you that they are actually not.
Au programme : les deux étages aux ambiances tamisées style british XIXe du Dandy où chacun a pu abandonner ses préjugés, ses propos bien pensants, sa pudeur. La devise de cette soirée a été sans nul doute : « Ose réveiller le dandy qui sommeille en toi ».
The Student Office