Interview of the Chairwoman of Challenge Magisterium: Khadija Diame
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Interview de la Présidente de Challenge Magistère : Khadija Diame

Interview of the Chairwoman of Challenge Magisterium: Khadija Diame

19 of our students have just returned from a week of skiing in the "Orres" resort. A sporting event and cohesion organized by the Sport Office, "Challenge Magisterium", whose Chairwoman, Khadija Diamé will answer our questions today.


What is your career path within the association and your main duties?
I joined the association during my first year in Magisterium in order to help the office in the organization of events (such as "the SPI Dauphine").I was then elected Chairwoman of the association in May 2017.
The missions of the Sport Office are to bring together all students of our training (including those of the Master in Financial and Banking Technics) around sports projects such as the ski trip after the final exams or the Magisterium event.


How to organize such a ski trip?
First, we draw up a list of all students wishing to participate. The budget is then calculated according to the expectations of the prospective participants, in order to gather the most people.
Afterwards, we have sought the assistance of a travel agent, who offered us various destinations meeting our requirements. We thereafter choose the destination in order to respect the budget per person and our criteria.
In terms of organization, all the tasks has been shared among the membership of the association (location search, transport, etc.).


What particular difficulties have you encountered in the organisation of that stay?
The main difficulty was to uphold the timing in order to avoid a raise in transport costs.


What do your association and this kind of event bring to our Magisterium?
These events aim to gather together all the promotions and create a certain cohesion between the students. Then, the purpose is to maintain those relationships after graduating in order to strengthen the network of the Magisterium. Furthermore, such events provide a certain visibility to our training.


What are the future projects of the association for the rest of the year?
The next dramatic event is "the Magisterium". The latter is a competition between all the Magisteriums of France. Actually, it is the first time that our training participates in it. We will also try to arrange one or two other events dedicated specifically for students of the Magisterium.


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19 et 20 mai 2025 (MBF2 )
18 et 19 juin 2025 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB)

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