Réponses de admin
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Toutes mes réponses sur les forums

7 sujets de 1 à 7 (sur un total de 7)
  • Auteur
  • en réponse à : General information about upside theme #586

    Admin bbPress

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium

    en réponse à : Nictitate theme topic #509

    Admin bbPress

    I want to have a website similar to the demo but I couldn’t get the images in slider(Kopa sequence slider) display on Firefox. Even I can get the images on Chrome but the image not the full width of the screen. The demo site works fine on Firefox/Chrome. Could you please provide a link for documentation or steps to recreate the demo site?

    en réponse à : Inovato topic #507

    Admin bbPress

    I want to have a website similar to the demo but I couldn’t get the images in slider(Kopa sequence slider) display on Firefox. Even I can get the images on Chrome but the image not the full width of the screen. The demo site works fine on Firefox/Chrome. Could you please provide a link for documentation or steps to recreate the demo site?

    en réponse à : General information about divine theme #505

    Admin bbPress

    I want to have a website similar to the demo but I couldn’t get the images in slider(Kopa sequence slider) display on Firefox. Even I can get the images on Chrome but the image not the full width of the screen. The demo site works fine on Firefox/Chrome. Could you please provide a link for documentation or steps to recreate the demo site?

    en réponse à : General information about upside theme #277

    Admin bbPress

    I want to have a website similar to the demo but I couldn’t get the images in slider(Kopa sequence slider) display on Firefox. Even I can get the images on Chrome but the image not the full width of the screen. The demo site works fine on Firefox/Chrome. Could you please provide a link for documentation or steps to recreate the demo site?

    en réponse à : General information #275

    Admin bbPress

    This is reply

    en réponse à : General information #272

    Admin bbPress

    This is sample reply

7 sujets de 1 à 7 (sur un total de 7)


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