Professor: Aimé Scannavino, Panthéon-Assas University
Objective: The aim of the course is to introduce the basic asset pricing theories: CAPM and related models, models for swaps, forward / futures and options. A particular attention is dedicated to options: the Black-Scholes model is carefully set out (after a presentation of stochastic calculus basis: Ito processes and Ito lemma); the course outlines as clearly as possible its link with Cox-Ross-Rubinstein's analysis and Arrow-Debreu's General Equilibrium with Contingent Claims. Financial strategies through stochastic simulations are also exposed.
Part 1:
- Utility functions with risk aversion
- Efficient frontier
- The concept of "market portfolio"
- The CAPM
- Passive portfolio management and beta valuations
- Active management beyond the MEDAF: bonds and swaps
Part 2:
- Forward markets and future markets
- ITP and their conditions of validity
- Determination of a futures price according to information contexts
- Futures arbitrage trades
- Instruments and strategies
- General Equilibrium theory with Contingent Claims applied to securities valuations
- The binomial model of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (discrete time) for the evaluation of European-style options
Part 3:
- Brownian Motion and Geometric Brownian Motion; Ito's formula; considerations on the stochastic integral; the Black-Scholes model for the evaluation of European-style options (continuous time); proof of the Black-Scholes formula; implementations of the formula
- Black-Scholes limitations: volatility issues; non-Gaussian stock prices; stock prices with non-continuous trajectories…