The associative life of the Magisterium and the Master II in Financial and Banking Technics
The Magisterium in Banking and Finance differs from other university courses by its three associations. The associative spirit is strongly present in the training and this, despite small promotions.
The Student Office and the Sports Office, managed by the students of the Magisterium, arrange various events throughout the year in order to bring together the three current promotions.
Those two offices contribute greatly to the integration and cohesion of the current and former promotions of our training.
For more information, please, refer to the pages dedicated to those two associations.
The third association is the Alumni Association. This latter brings together the former students of both the Magisterium and the Master II in Financial and Banking Technics.
This association aims at continuing to keep alive the Magisterium spirit. For instance, during the traditional London trip in the second year, at several occasions, students meet alumni of the training working in the City.
For more information, please, refer to the page dedicated to the Alumni Association.