Professor: Astrid Masset, Panthéon-Assas University.
Objectives: The objective of the course is to analyze the company’s performance by carrying out an in-depth analysis of the figures derived from the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, etc. Many business cases will be used to put into practice the financial indicators that will be presented.
Beyond a quantified analysis, the company will be studied taking into account its economic environment, its sector of activity and its legal constraints. At the end of the course, the student should be able to answer the following questions: is the company profitable, efficient, value-creating, solvent or indebted?
- CHAPTER I: Balance sheet analysis
- CHAPTER II: Analysis of the income statement
- CHAPTER III: Cost analysis, margin, profitability threshold
- CHAPTER IV: Analysis of the financing table
- CHAPTER V: Cash Flow Analysis
- CHAPTER VI: Financing strategies of the firm
- CHAPTER VII: Business valuation
- CHAPTER VIII: The capital increase
Grading: Final exam at the end of the semester.
- Masset, A. & Harb, E., Veryzhenko, I, Murat, P (2014) : Finance, Paris, Dunod ;
- Vernimmen P, (2014) : Corporate finance, Paris, Dalloz.