The apprenticeship

A partnership of excellence between companies and the University.


he third year of Magisterium and the Master II in Financial and Banking Technics are open to apprenticeship with CFA Formasup. The contracts last 12 months, from September of the year n to September of the year n + 1, with possibility of derogation for three additional months from mid-June or until the end of November.

The apprentice is supervised by an apprenticeship master in company, and by an academic tutor at the University, member of the teaching staff. The academic tutor meets the apprentice 4 times a year on university time in order to fill in his apprenticeship booklet and follow the written of the post-graduate dissertation. It organizes the memorandum presentation in September with the apprenticeship master and members of the teaching staff.


Our organisation of the apprenticeship: 1 day in 5 days. Pour l’année scolaire 2024/2025, les apprenti(e)s suivent 6 semaines de cours bloquées pendant l’année à partir de la première semaine de septembre. Le reste du temps, ils sont quatre jours par semaine en entreprise, et tous les vendredis en cours. A partir d’avril, les étudiants sont à 100% en entreprise.


Highlights of the year for partner companies 

September: the cocktail before the beginning of the school year

All promotions of the Magisterium meet the academic speakers and professionals of the training.

December: the traditional cocktail of alumni

Strengthening and expansion of the professional network of alumni and partner companies during a special event.

January: the educational breakfasts

Meeting at the University between academic supervisors and apprenticeship managers.


Brochure du Magistère Banque Finance Calendrier d’alternance 2024-2025

Post your professional offer



General information

Address :

4, rue Blaise Desgoffe
75006 Paris, FRANCE

L4 L6 L12 L13 Montparnasse
L10 L13 Duroc
L4 Saint-Placide
L12 Falguière

Phone :
+33 (0)1 53 63 80 76

Email :


Admission interviews
19 et 20 mai 2025 (MBF2 )
18 et 19 juin 2025 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB)

Final admission results
A partir du 2 juin 2025 (MBF 2 sur la platforme MonMaster)
22 juin 2025 (MBF1 par courriel)–24 juin 2025 au plus tard (Master 2 TFB)

Fin des inscriptions administratives
juillet 2025 (MBF1, MBF2 et Master 2 TFB).

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