Enrolment process
  • An MCQ to test the candidate academic knowledge and reasoning ability
  • A selection based on the application
  • An interview in french and english to know the personnality of the candidate and his ability to settle in within a team
To enter in First-Year of the Magisterium

The test is opened to 2-years Bachelor Degree students in Economics or Management, to 2-years Bachelor Degree students in Mathematics and Social Sciences, to students from Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles (ENS, Business Schools...)

To enter in Second-Year of the Magisterium

Approximately ten applications of Bachelor Degree students wil be selected.

Admission en Master 2 Techniques Financières et Bancaires

Quelques places sont ouvertes en Master 2 TFB (dont les cours sont communs avec la troisième année du magistère), accessibles aux étudiants ayant déjà validé un diplôme de niveau supérieur ou égal à un M1 avec des bases solides en économie, mathématiques, finance et anglais.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should one have good grades in order to get accepted to the Magisterium?

    Yes, but not only. Indeed, several criteria are taken into account in our enrolment process. Furthermore, the MCQ test, which all applicants are called to, allows us to assess their level fairly accurately, and provides us more precise information than their only school reports and transcripts. The interview and the file review will then make it possible to distinguish and, eventually, rank the eligible candidates. At the end of this selection process, the jury will draw up the list of admitted candidates.

  • What kind of questions are asked at the interview?

    The interview aims to test, on the one hand, the motivation and common sense of the candidates and, on the other hand, their theoretical or technical knowledge.

  • Should one have a good level of English in order to enter the Magisterium?

    It is desirable to have a good basis in English, but it is not the single selection criterion. Other things being equal, over the three years of Magisterium, students will benefit from intensive English courses which will allow them to acquire a good level of English at the end of the training.

  • Does the Magisterium train its students exclusively in market finance?

    Absolutely not. The Magisterium prepares its students for market finance as well as for corporate finance with lessons divided between theory and practice (with interventions by leading professionals from finance for instance). More precisely, it aims to combine a solid scientific training with a high level of professional specialisation.
    In recent years, many alumni have wanted to specialize in market finance. Final year students are currently focusing on corporate finance, audit, risk control and the insurance business. For the next promotions, we are thinking about the idea of setting up new options on the regulation and socially responsible investment, for instance.

  • Is it possible to repeat a year at the Magisterium?

    No, students who do not validate their year are automatically excluded from the Magisterium. It must be recognized that this rarely happens. However, should this happen to you, know that you could go back to the standard university curriculum without losing your year by taking the re-sit exams.

Enrolment process

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les dossiers de candidature du Magistère Banque Finance (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB)

Dossier de candidature MBF1
Dossier de candidature MBF2
Dossier de candidature M2 TFB

MBF1 et Master 2 TFB

  • Electronic file submission : 29 avril 2024 au 24 mai 2024 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB).
  • Épreuve écrite (QCM) : 10 mai 2024 à 9 heures (en ligne et uniquement pour l’entrée en MBF1).
  • Communication des résultats d’admissibilité by email : 11 juin 2024 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB).
  • Entretiens d’admission : En présentiel : 27 et 28 juin 2024 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB), Centre Assas – 92, rue d’Assas 75006 Paris).
  • Final results will be communicated by email : 29 juin 2024 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB).
  • Fin des inscriptions administratives :  juillet 2024 (MBF1 et Master 2 TFB).


  • Dépôt des dossiers en MBF2 (Master 1): L’admission en 2ème année de magistère se fait via la plateforme Mon Master. Il faut choisir le master Monnaie Banque Finance Assurance, parcours Techniques Financières et Bancaires pour intégrer le magistère. Le dépôt de dossier se fait du 26 février au 24 mars 2024 sur la plateforme directement.
  • Entretiens d’admission MBF2 (Master 1) : En présentiel, le 21 mai 2024  Centre Assas – 92, rue d’Assas 75006 Paris).
  • Communication des résultats d’admission MBF2 (Master 1): À partir du 4 juin 2024 sur la plateforme Mon Master.

General information

Address :

122, rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, FRANCE

L4 L6 L12 L13 Montparnasse
L10 L13 Duroc
L4 Saint-Placide
L12 Falguière

Phone :
+33 (0)1 53 63 80 76

Email :


Shortlisted results announced
11 juin 2024

27 et 28 juin 2024

Final admission results
29 juin 2024

Fin des inscriptions administratives
8 juillet 2024 (MBF1 et MBF2), 13 juillet 2024 (Master 2 TFB).

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